Title: Beneath the Fading Light Rating: PG/T Genre: Angst/Friendship Characters: Allen and Kanda (mainly). Mana and Johnny are also there xD Setting: takes place in the manga's current standpoint (chapter 212), when Allen has collapsed and was brought to an inn by Kanda and Johnny. Summary: Allen knew it was a losing battle the moment Mana entered his
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All right! So, in the light of recent events, I think we need to discuss some theories regarding Allen, Mana, certain fourteenth and, naturally, our beloved Earl. I've got pictures~
Below I've tried to make sense of Allen's dream in chapter 184. So after analyzing it, here are my thoughts below the cut. :) Though this dream is fairly complex. So the dream could be interpreted in multiple ways, and it'd be great to hear other theories and opinions from other people. =D
This is an idea i got today in the bus (after seeing that ad) and maybe is not new, but... What do you think could say Mana to Allen if he becomes the 14th and starts looking as the Earld???
Ok, i made this composition as half a joke, half a banner^^ Tell me what do you think!
As I mentioned in another !discussion post, I've been tumbling a few things over in my head lately as concerns the seemingly inextricable links between Mana, Allen, Cross, Timcampy and the Earl. This first post concerns the concept of Trinity--specifically, the Christian concept of the tri-partate God that exists in mind, body, and spirit, and why
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Title: You Look So Fine (Yes, influenced by Garbage's song, but not a songfic. Odd, eh?) Author: animalboything Pairings: Sokaro/Cross, Mana/Cross, maybe hint of Cross/Klaud Rating: Smexy, but not porny enough.
Hello. I'm new to the comm, even though I've been reading the manga for the past two years. Normally, I'd lurk for a while before posting, but my brain has been spinning with the events of the past few chapters and none of my friends and coworkers reads this. So, here are some theories I've been tossing around concerning our mysterious General
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